New recording: “Two More Dreams”

Happy New Year!

I hope it had started well for you.

Lots is going on in my corner of the world, I’ll tell you in on just a bit….please read on and share the excitement with me:

In November, Vocalist Ayelet Rose Gottlieb and I put out a CD of lullabies, mostly in Hebrew. We premiered the music in a series of concerts in Israel, where most people speak the language. Slowly after, we started getting responses from people around the world who understand it as well as people who know nothing about it, and they are very heart warming. It turns out you don’t need to understand the words through your brain if you let them speak to your heart. Here is a wonderful animation clip featuring the title song, “Two More Dreams”:

To order the album in its digital version (or physical, we printed a limited edition with wonderful drawings inside!) please go to:

This year, I will be putting out more music that has been waiting to be released, as well as recording a new album with my trio. 2019 will mark the 20th anniversary of my collaboration with bassist Gary Wang and drummer Roland Schneider. We have big plans for that year! Stay tuned…

Last for now- here’s a little heads-up on my upcoming NY gig on February 20th at Cornelia Street Cafe, with Gary Wang on bass, Michael Attias on sax and Rudy Royston on drums!

More coming….
